Saturday, September 12, 2009

Keowee-Toxaway State Park

Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009
Location / Map

Trails: Natural Bridge
Distance: 1.5 miles
Time: 45 minutes

Rating: &&& (out of 5)

Really, for the last couple of weeks we've had great weather - sunny, cool (relatively), and dry. Today was no different. James had a birthday party to attend, so Andy and I took the backpack and went for a hike. Alas, I forgot the camera, so no pictures. But Andy had such a great time! He "talked" the whole time, which sounded mostly like "uh-oh...uh-oh...uh-oh." We met some really nice people along the way. We took the Natural Bridge loop trail in a clockwise direction, which meant we took the steepest part going downhill, and soon reached the Poe Creek. Andy was just watching the water and pointing, and he seemed very excited about the small waterfalls. Andy didn't care, but I noticed a lot of spider webs (being tall and early, I got to knock them all down) and crazy-looking mushrooms. After crossing Poe Creek, we climbed the "stairs" and crossed the natural bridge after which this trail is named. On the way back up to the parking lot, we saw several other hikers...Andy blew them all kisses, his new thing. I was sweating pretty good when we got back to the car, but at least Andy is a lot lighter than James! A great time!

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